I think you are looking for whitelist. Keexybox does not implement whitelist at this time.
I am sorry, the awswer is no for both of your questions.
But, if you know the IP addresses of school site :
- You can create a profile that block all internet traffic (Profile -> Firewall and routing) set "Default Firewall rule" to "Drop".
- Create firewall rules (Profile -> Firewall and routing -> Manage firewall) and Allow IPs of school sites.
if school site are identified by a domain extension (eg: .edu) :
- You can create a single category in the blacklist that contains domains : com, net, uk, fr, de... everything except .edu (I know it's tedious ). If the school site is for example my-school.org you can't put .org in the blacklist.
- Assign the category to a profile.
I know it's not the best setup, but it's the best I have to offer.
I think you are looking for whitelist. Keexybox does not implement whitelist at this time.
I am sorry, the awswer is no for both of your questions.
But, if you know the IP addresses of school site :
- You can create a profile that block all internet traffic (Profile -> Firewall and routing) set "Default Firewall rule" to "Drop".
- Create firewall rules (Profile -> Firewall and routing -> Manage firewall) and Allow IPs of school sites.
if school site are identified by a domain extension (eg: .edu) :
- You can create a single category in the blacklist that contains domains : com, net, uk, fr, de... everything except .edu (I know it's tedious ). If the school site is for example my-school.org you can't put .org in the blacklist.
- Assign the category to a profile.
I know it's not the best setup, but it's the best I have to offer.